Perspective: Thoughts From Community Activist Keem Jones

In an unprecedented year, a series of events have brought the black community one of the hardest years of our generation through loss, sickness, and turmoil.

The black community has lost celebrated role models with the deaths of Nipsey Hussle and Kobe Bryant, heroes we shared with the world, and hoped to share with our future children.

We all learned a new word this year….quarantine. Forced to hide in houses and under masks, we learned that a cough could mean a death sentence. We remained hopeful, forcing on family and rest, until an 8 minute and 46 second clip of a black man needlessly losing his life to a cop became international news.

We became restless. We had already been restless due to the instances in police brutality becoming commonplace and seem to be increasing in occurrence and severity. This time streets erupted immediately.

The world heard what we have been saying all along, BLACK LIVES MATTER. These three words have never meant so much until now, but the phrase has become a dirty word among those who lack understanding of what it means.

As chants, cheers, and fires filled the streets of the world, many would watch distraught and in disbelief as the events unfold. When the flames died and controversial symbols came down, there was no unity in the community.

A New York businessman assumed the role of President of the United States of America, causing a shift in culture and the way American politics are viewed. While money filled our pocket, hate filled our hearts, we forgot the meaning of community.

We have forgotten that the Constitution that America begins with three words, WE THE PEOPLE.

We all want equal opportunity to the rights guaranteed to us under the Constitution. America is attempting to heal itself through gaining knowledge and understanding of the “other side”. Discomfort coupled with perception leads to a closed mind, which can never obtain and process the knowledge that fuels progress.

Progress is a process. As we wait on the result of the most pivotal election we have ever had, we must reflect and ask, “What am I doing in my everyday life to better my community and myself?”, “How do I add to the value of life of those I encounter?”, and “Will this help me grow as a person?”.

No matter the results of this election, we must focus on building a better world for those who will inherit it from us. We, as a community, must come together and hold leaders and ourselves accountable. As a chosen leader in my community, I understand that one must govern themselves accordingly because you become a representation of everyone that looks like you.

Working to change the narrative or personal elevation should not be met with labels of ‘sellout’ or ‘coon’. We should focus on the content of their character, as we should with every person we meet. That is what will bring the unity that we need to get the change so many world citizens took to the streets seeking. Now is the time to rebuild and start with the strongest foundation of all, no matter who you are, and that foundation is LOVE. Peace. Salute to every activist getting active.

Written By Keem Jones

Co Edited by Michelle Bir

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