Fayetteville NC markethouse was used to sell slaves, here’s proof from the 1850’s

A local historian has helped to settle the long time debate amongst the citizens of fayetteville North Carolina. People have often argued about whether the markethouse downtown Fayetteville was actually used to sell slaves, and whether it should be torn down. Some argued that it was a part of history, while others say it is the wrong side of history. These newspaper articles from the 1850’s prove that the markethouse was in fact used to sell slaves. It’s sickening to read, but reality is reality. There is actually a petition to take down the markethouse circulating online with nearly 89,000 signatures so far. https://www.change.org/p/city-of-fayetteville-nc-knock-down-slave-market-house-in-center-of-downtown-fayetteville-nc?recruiter=1107514077&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&recruited_by_id=f6bd6720-a64a-11ea-8cb7-b384a87082b0&utm_content=fht-22516588-en-us%3Av12

Take a look at the articles below.

Downtown Fayetteville NC Markethouse

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