Fayetteville Mayor Colvin Signs Overdose Awareness Day Proclamation


Kevin V. Arata, Corporate Communications Director

Release: IMMEDIATE          Contact: Nacarla Webb, Public Information Specialist

Date: 08/28/2020                    Phone: (910) 433-1710 (desk)

Mayor Colvin signs Overdose Awareness Day Proclamation

(Fayetteville, N.C.) – Mayor Mitch Colvin issued a Proclamation to recognize Monday, August 31, 2020 as International Overdose Awareness Day in the City of Fayetteville. The National Institutes of Health classifies the misuse and addiction to opioids as a national crisis. This Proclamation states that people who have substance addictions and those who do not can accidentally overdose on prescription opioids. A copy of the Mayor’s signed Proclamation is attached to this message. 

Fayetteville Police and Firefighters have Naloxone (Narcan) available when responding to overdose calls. Narcan can be used to treat effects of overdose. You can learn the signs of overdose by visiting https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/pdf/patients/Preventing-an-Opioid-Overdose-Tip-Card-a.pdf . Call 911 if you suspect someone is overdosing. 

Call the Alliance Access & Information Center (1-800-510-9132) if you or someone you know experiences substance use disorders.

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