Fayetteville, NC
For Immediate Release:
The annual Gotcha’ Back event brought to you by TheGroupTheory, inc. is taking it to the next level! This year’s event is set for August 15th on the campus of Fayetteville State University. Presenting the Gotcha’ Back School Kickoff concert featuring NC native Kidd Lee, known for her hit single “Champagne” ft Quavo. You can still expect the usual backpack giveaway along with a host of guests, entertainment and more. The Covid-19 pandemic may have made a negative impact on the students, but Gotcha’ Back is geared up to celebrate and uplift the students and community in an all new way! For more information:
– Kevin Brooks: Kbrooks@Thegrouptheory.com (910) 551-9031
– Elizabeth Stiff: Contact@L3Brand.com (678) 665-3526
For Media inquiries/Interviews – The L3 brand Contact@L3brand.com (678) 665-3526
Who: Thegrouptheory, inc.
What: Gotcha’ Back School Kickoff Concert ft Artist Kidd Lee
When: August 15th 2021 11am
Where: Fayetteville State University Campus 1200 Murchison rd Fayetteville NC
CLICK HERE FOR MORE: https://madmimi.com/p/3f94821