Who: So Refreshed & Not Our Girls
What: FREE Training- Bringing Awareness To Human Trafficking
When: November 6th at 1:00 PM
Where: 3250 Peachtree Corners Circle, Suite H. Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
How: Young adults in the Atlanta area are invited Free of Charge
PSA From So Refreshed:
“Calling ALL teenagers and young adults. Did you know your💰spent with us goes toward ending human trafficking?!? ❌ Human trafficking is real and happening right around the favorite places you shop, eat, sleep, and much more. We want to bring awareness to this continuous nightmare. If you know a young adult in the ATL area, please forward this so they can attend free of charge. It will be hosted by @sorefreshed & @not_our_girls on Nov 6, 2020. Location is listed on flyer. It’s starts within your own community! #endhumantrafficking #humantraffickingawareness #protectyourself”