NBA, WNBA, Various Athletes & Others Cancel Games & Walk Off To Boycott Police Brutality & Injustice Against Black Community

NBA Players kicked off the movement by cancelling games Wednesday as some teams went on to cancel the remaining games of the season to boycott police brutality and injustice against the black community. The movement is being felt across the world now as black lives continue to be seen as unequal, undervalued and overlooked. Police are quick to take the life of a black man or woman over little to nothing, while allowing a white person the courtesy of understanding, forgiveness and the full process of law. If they are not killing us, they are throwing us in prison with extreme and unfair sentences when compared to others of another race. Everyone is saying “We refuse to stand by and allow this to happen and be the norm”. It’s been time for change. We are not less than and we never have been. I applaud those with a voice using their platform to save lives and bring hope and justice. WE CANNOT QUIT!

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